I love reading about trends and predictions for the year ahead don’t you?
I’m always in awe of those who can read the behavioural and scientific tea leaves to analyse and assess where we’re headed. For instance, who’d have thought we’d be jumping into 2023 in the grip of everyday AI? I mean, I knew about AI, but I didn’t expect it to be appearing everywhere I turn so soon.
[And just as an aside… this article is still brought to you by me, the real me, no AI involved… yet, LOL!]
In December, Gartner released their Future of Work Trends for 2023 report. According to their predictions, as we continue figuring out how to co-exist in the COVID-19 era, organisations are facing into the challenge of recruiting appropriate talent and maintaining productivity within a stretched and exhausted workforce.
Business leaders need to become more innovative about securing new talent and in supporting and caring for employee wellbeing.
I believe this creates a historic moment for employees and, in particular, mid-career professionals with a wealth of experience and in-demand transferrable skills.
A time of opportunity for the “non-traditional” candidate
For the first time… perhaps ever… your qualifications and prior experience will become less important than your potential and capabilities to take on the challenge of a different role.
For a while now, companies have been “talking the talk” about diversifying their workforces… but it hasn’t yet become fully embedded, especially at the ground level.
It’s still all too common for hiring managers to create homogenous, like-minded teams… similar skills, experience, education and demographics. And what does that do? It creates a group who all act, think and behave the same as the manager.
But things are changing… Gartner found 56% of candidates are applying for jobs outside their current area of expertise and this figure is growing; and, traditional recruitment practices are no longer delivering the goods. Organisations are having to find new ways of doing things… injecting much needed innovation and creativity into recruitment methods.
The changes in recruitment, the ongoing evolution in the ways of working (flexible, remote, hybrid) and the advancements in new workplace technologies, have created the perfect storm of opportunity within which you can make that change you’ve been considering.
5 things to know if you want to make a career change this year
Believe it or not, thinking you’ve left it too late to change careers happens at all ages… even those just a few years into their career. I think it’s because we’re conditioned to believe we need to “be something” i.e. just one thing, not lots of things. It’s simply not true… it’s very rare these days to just do one thing throughout your entire career. It’s really never too late to change your career. The question you need to ask yourself is this, “how much will you regret not having discovered what you’re truly capable of?”.
One of the most common expectations career clients have is the desire to make a change in one step. Now, if you want to move within the same industry or discipline, this might be achievable. But, if you’ve got either no idea or a few different ideas and none of them relate to what you do today, it’s highly likely it’s going to take a little time and a few different steps to make your change. Realising this should not be where you decide to give up… in fact, it should be where you double down because the sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll achieve the career you really want.
Another thing I regularly hear from those who are unhappy or stuck in their career, is they want change to straightforward. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but significant change is not going to be easy… nor is it predictable. There is no magic quick fix. Like getting fit, maintaining a great relationship, planning a fun holiday, or decorating your house… making a career change requires commitment and determination. It’s how you remain focussed on your end goal and motivated to keep going, even when you’re faced with inevitable challenges and obstacles.
Beware of the word “should”! We often use this word as a self-motivator… “I should be exercising”, “I should be working harder” or “I should find myself a new job”. But… instead, using the word often leads to feelings of guilt, disappointment or failure. Psychologically, “should” statements are cognitive distortion… negative thinking patterns that lead to fear and anxiety. When you release yourself from expectations about what you (or others) think you “should” do, you place yourself in a much better position to achieve a career that’s perfect for you.
Just as recruiters are looking for “non-traditional” candidates, consider how you can shake up your traditional job search practices. New clients often say they’ve “tried everything” to change their career and nothing is working. And “everything” involves updating your resumé, searching the job sites, and applying for jobs. In a time when recruiters are using social media, referrals and technology, simply searching for a job just isn’t going to work. It’s time to think differently.
If you have a renewed sense of motivation and desire for change, will this be the year you make it happen? Not sure where to start? Take this short quiz to discover the right next step you can take to fix or change your career.