Do you ever find yourself wondering if you’re making the most out of life? Maybe your routine seems a bit repetitive, or you feel like you’re going nowhere. A common thread I've uncovered about …
Letting go of the past so you can move forward
Before you tackle any sort of life or career transition or change, it's worth considering how to let go of whatever's holding you back from moving forward. Picture yourself at the airport, boarding …
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How to be and stay positive
The power of positive thinking is well documented. But sometimes it can seem really challenging to be positive... especially when times are tough and things around you are falling apart. Now, I'm …
Focus on the process, not the outcome
Here's a radical idea → stop worrying about might happen and just do what you can do. The variables of circumstances and situations are often unknown so when you focus on the process, rather than the …
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How to showcase your unique value
Here's a question for you... who are you really? It might seem like an easy question but are you able to readily articulate your unique value? I want you to answer this one honestly. Not the answer …
How to deal with feeling judged
It's a very common affliction, one I've suffered from myself... feeling judged by other people and the associated embarrassment. It's something that's almost certainly keeping your career stalled. …
How to get your work mojo back
I've noticed a bit of a general malaise creeping in over the last few months… not just for me but also with some of my clients. And it's got me thinking about how we deal with things when it all …
How to answer “what are your weaknesses?”
I had an interesting conversation this week about how to answer the inevitable “what are your weaknesses?” question that often comes up in job interviews. Personally, I'm not a big fan of this …
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Why it’s important to dream about your career
Back when I started my business in 2020… I had a dream. I wanted to attend a business retreat… to escape my daily routine and hang out with other business owners. Early in 2023, I did just that… I …
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Identify your professional values for career success
It occurred to me recently that I bang on about “values” a lot… but I'm not sure I've ever provided any additional context or explanation. If you're feeling stuck or unfulfilled in your career… or …
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How to manage workplace stress for a healthy balance
Recently I was catching up with a couple of ex-work colleagues of mine and the conversation turned, as it so often does, to that holy grail for mid-life career professionals… managing workplace stress …
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Learn to love your career
It's not all that common to combine thoughts of “love” and “work”… unless, of course, you're involved with someone you work with… and while that might be more common, and interesting… that's not where …