your quiz result
You can fix or change your career by…
getting clear about what you want and why you want it
If I were to take a guess, I’d say you’ve been looking around for other options but there just doesn’t seem to be anything suitable out there.
Know what’s important to you
You worked hard and maybe you’ve found that to date, the roles and opportunities have found you. But now you find yourself feeling trapped.
Getting out of this space requires you to think differently about what’s possible… and, importantly, to focus on you want from your working life.

career coaching to fix or change your career

Is this you?
You spend a lot of time wishing you were doing something else
You often say, “I just can’t keep doing this”… but then you keep doing it
You’re working really, really hard but going nowhere
You feel irrationally envious of friends with new jobs
You wish someone would turn up and tell you what you should do
You spend all your spare time scouring the job forums and coming up with nothing
But it all feels futile and confusing and you’re just not sure what move to make next?
It’s time to get CLEAR
And design a career that’s aligns with what’s important to you
I know CLARITY is one of those buzzwords you hear when it comes to fixing or changing your career… and that’s because it’s a very important ingredient in the process of figuring things out.
Why you need to get CLEAR about your career
hello purpose

Ever wondered why your working life doesn’t feel quite right for you?
Designing a career that aligns with what’s important to you is essential for achieving a sense of success and wellbeing.
hello confidence

Do you second guess yourself when it comes to making career decisions?
When you’re clear about where you’re heading, you create a framework that supports confident career choices.
hello energy

It takes a lot of effort to swim against the current… it’s no wonder you’re tired.
Feeling focussed, engaged and enjoying the work you do immediately boosts your motivation and energy.
Three tips to help you get clear about the career you want
1. dare to dream
Visualise and explore what your ideal career situation looks and feels like. This is not about job titles or specific tasks but about day-to-day details – Where are you? Who are you with? What are you doing? Who are you helping? What value are you creating? What’s your daily schedule look like?
Assume all the obstacles in the way of your career fix or change have been swept away and you can achieve anything you want. Free yourself from the limits of time, money, expectations and capability and create an aspirational career vision.
Make this career vision as specific, as audacious, as momentous as possible – the big dream. Then immerse yourself in it. How does it look? How does it feel? Make it really big, the bigger, the better. It should feel exciting. If it doesn’t, you need to go bigger.
2. start where you are
Big dreams are overwhelming. You assume you need a clear, step-by-step career plan from here to the future. But this type of plan is unrealistic and unachievable in a dynamic environment. It’s difficult to predict next week, let alone the future.
But you can take one small step towards where you want to go.
- Interested in an industry but don’t know enough about it? See if you have a connection on LinkedIn who’s willing to have a chat with you about what it’s like to work in that space.
- Keen to become a freelancer but worried about giving up your current income? Test the water by taking on a small job in your spare time.
- Got an exciting new business idea but don’t know how to make it a reality? Share the idea with family, friends or on social media and ask for feedback.
When you take one step, the next step will reveal itself, alleviating the need for a perfect plan prior to getting started. One step followed by another creates momentum and builds your career confidence. If one step doesn’t work, simply choose another. You can amend and iterate as you progress.
3. Progress over perfection
Things will never be perfect. You’ll never have enough time and there’s no way of knowing what Your external environment is going to throw at you next. Talking about it, thinking about it and even planning it is procrastination that’s keeping you safe… and your career stuck.
If there’s something in your career you want to achieve so much you know you’re going to regret not doing it, you must take that first step and take it now.
What first action step can you take today that brings that ideal situation a little bit closer? You only need one action step. Getting started creates momentum so trust that the next steps will reveal themselves as you need them.
Use your CLEAR career vision to create an action plan for success
Now you’re clear about what you want in your working life, continue setting yourself up for success by developing an action plan for the year ahead.

How do you integrate your CLEAR career vision into your strategy to fix or change your career?
1. let it be your compass
Having a clear vision means you have a target to aim for. In the same way you plan a holiday around your intended destination, you can use your vision to guide you on the steps you need to take.
Think in terms of what you can do to move in the direction of your vision.
- What do you need to know?
- What gaps do you need to cover?
- Who can help you?
2. use it to make confident decisions
Once you’re clear about what you want, making decisions becomes exponentially easier. When faced with any choice, simply ask yourself, “does this take me closer to my career vision?”. If the answer is “no”, then you can feel confident in your decision.
Use it when –
- Someone offers you an opportunity
- You’re assessing a job ad
- You’re researching potential roles and organisations
career coach and mindset mentor
Wait a minute, let me introduce myself…

Hello, I’m Helen Thomas. I’m a career coach who specialises in helping smart professionals who feel stuck or trapped in their career and are fed up trying to figure out how to fix things.
I built a successful corporate career that looked great on paper, but… I always felt out of place. I know just how disheartening it is to want something different for your working life but not know how to achieve it.
I desperately wished something, or someone, would rescue me.
I tried changing jobs, I tried sucking it up. Nothing worked.
I finally realised, designing and achieving a career you love… is an inside job. No-one else can do it for you and there’s no magic answer.
But… I’ve learnt the lessons and developed a framework you can follow that involves far less wasted time and effort than the path I took.
With some simple steps we’ll get you on the path to designing a career you love and feel proud to talk about.
Your career confidence is just around the corner!
Getting clear about your career is one of three key steps you need to design a career you love
Want to know more about taking control of your career and choosing your next step with confidence?
All the support you need
Work with me
Interested in learning more about how you can elevate your career confidence and position yourself for career success? Find out more about working with me.
Free workbook
Download my free Position For Success career plan workbook. This PDF workbook will guide you through developing an action plan to make the year ahead your best one yet.
let’s connect
Let’s connect on LinkedIn. I regularly share videos, tips and tactics about taking control of your career plan and deciding your next steps with confidence.