If your work-life has been on autopilot for the last few years just waiting until “the worst of this situation has passed”, I encourage you to stop holding off and start taking action.
Why? Well because instead of waiting to feel motivated or ready to tackle a challenge, it’s “doing something” that creates your momentum.
You might be thinking… “It feels like it’s going to be a lot of effort and I just don’t have it in me right now to achieve the change I want”. But, meaningful change does not have to be overwhelming. Even the smallest of steps can get things moving.
Small steps to achieve big change
~ Dream big. Start small. But most of all, start. ~
Simon sinek
The first ever article I posted on this website was based on this Simon Sinek quote. And really, it was mostly because it was the advice I needed most to just get going with what I wanted to do in my career.
When you want to make significant changes to improve your work situation, you might think it’s something that has to happen in one big leap. But, this rarely happens.
Think about all the small, incremental steps it’s taken to get where you are today. It hasn’t happened all at once has it?
I get that things are different now than when you were starting out in your career. You have status, salary and commitments at stake. It probably feels safer to wait until “conditions are right” before making any moves that might upset your status quo.
Here’s the thing… there is not and will never be a perfect moment when the planets align and you feel ready. You’re not going to suddenly find more time and there’s no way of knowing what the external environment is going to throw at us next. Talking about it, thinking about it and even planning it is procrastination that’s keeping you safe… and your career stuck.
If you want to improve, fix or change your career in 2023 and you don’t want this to be another year where you don’t do that thing you really want… it’s time for you to get productive.
Boost your productivity and make this the best year for your career
Run your own race, at your own pace! While it might feel easier (and safer) to let others influence, or direct, your career decisions – your family, boss, peers or mentor – I assure you, whatever their intentions, they’re thinking about themselves, not you. It can be challenging, but wherever you can, think for yourself, stop comparing, and commit to your decisions. Some will work out and where they don’t, reflect and learn. Set your target, goal or aspiration for the year based on what’s important for you.
Do you love taking risks?? Yeah, me neither! I struggle with this and previously always opted for the choices that didn’t rock the status quo and provided the least likelihood of failure. But… there’s a reason that old statement about the magic happening outside your comfort zone is so often quoted, and that’s because it’s true. For me, everything good that’s happened in my career (and business), has resulted from choosing courage over comfort..
Over the last 5 years, I’ve invested time, effort and money in specialised assistance to support me achieve the things I want to achieve. I recognised I was going nowhere, spinning my wheels, and trying to work it all out on my own. Whether it’s 1-1 coaching, self development courses, specific qualifications, or new technical knowledge you need… an investment in yourself is one that always pays off.
Wherever you are in your career or business, it’s really important to have strong, supportive connections. When your life and work are super-busy, maintaining your professional relationships sometimes slips off your priority list. Statistics show your next career move (or new client) is more likely to result from “who you know”, rather than “what you do”. If you hate the idea of networking, you’re not alone… here’s a few tips on how do it in a way that’s valuable and doesn’t feel “icky”.
While this seems like a “no-brainer”, it’s one of the hardest things to do. As a successful professional you think you should be able to work things out yourself… after all, isn’t that what you get paid to do for others? And, admitting you need help can make you feel “less than”. But, more often than not, when you ask for assistance, the response is amazing. Admitting you need help and asking for it is a sign of strength, not weakness.
It’s common to think, once you’ve made a decision or chosen a particular path, you have to stick with it. Nothing is further from the truth… and, this is often what is keeping you stuck. If you need permission to stop doing what you’ve always done and think about making a change… consider it given. You might be thinking, “this is all I’ve ever done, what else can I do?”… but, there is always something else. You just need to keep taking the steps and remain curious… the answer is out there.
Could this be your best career year ever? It will be if you want it to be. Replace your excuses with small steps towards growth and momentum. Not sure where to start? Take this short quiz to find the exact right next step to take to fix or change your career.